Gift Shop Process for Artist Members
- Process, procedures and forms for selling work in the LAA Gift Shop will be available on the LAA website and in the Gift Binder housed in the office
- LAA retains 30% of sales generated in the gift shop
- Inventory forms must be completed or updated by each artist selling items in the gift shop · Blank Inventory forms are located in the Gift Shop Binder in the office
- Hanging guidelines for entry into gallery shows will be applied to items to be hung in the gift shop
- Artists may not leave new items or remove items without completing and/or updating an inventory form
- When adding or removing items, the inventory form must be checked for accuracy. The office volunteer and the artist will initial the form and a copy will be given to the artist. The original form will be filed in the Gift Shop binder under the appropriate tag
- Information on each item from the artist’s inventory form will be entered in Square with an inventory number
- Inventory form information will be used to complete labels and art tax forms by the office
- New or revised inventory forms are to be placed in the front of the gift shop binder behind the appropriately labeled tab. After labels have been typed by the office, the inventory forms will be placed in alphabetical order
- Each participating artist will be allowed to have four items that require wall hanging space in the gift shop. The number and/or size of gift shop items will be subject to the discretion of the Gift Shop Committee
- Each participating artist is encouraged to rotate work every four months with input from the Gift Shop Committee
Questions or concerns regarding the gift shop may be directed to the gift shop committee: Ed DeMahy, Susan Chiquelin, Sharon Brotherton, Ginger Kelly